Monday, January 12, 2009

More of what's to come...

So, the knee. It's getting better, but slowly. It's easy to think nothing is wrong because I'm not in pain. One month off bikes and I went out for a spin. 8 miles in, pain. Couple more months I should be fine. I don't think I will attempt touring again soon.

All that aside, life has been pretty decent. It is good to be in the vicinity of friends while in Phoenix. I've got a part-time job with the Slippery Pig so the savings don't dive quickly. In fact I should be able to add a little to the savings, making the eventual move and establishment in Portland easier. (Yes, I'm still going to Portland. It will probably be in April, I think.)

Meanwhile I think I will head out to L.A. for a few days and hang out with a friend or two. Dana will be one. Here she be with her moodle, Willa.

Dana n Willa

I wish I could say exciting things are happening, but this is not the case. I am in one piece though. Shout out and let me know if anyone's stepped on some sort of metaphorical landmine.
