Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What have you learned, Grasshopper?

Ok, I absolutely hate to say this, but it seems that although my mind, soul and much of the rest of me could do the trip I planned, my knees wouldn't let me. First day Sunday wasn't too bad, but yesterday was agony. I managed to get about 40 miles in and decided I might do irreparable damage if I continued. So I am back in Alameda at the moment.

Not that I'm through, mind you. Sure, there could have been any number of ways I might have learned about this weakness ahead of time. I was fairly aware any number of things could have stopped me. (I'll tell you about the weather change I experienced later. It wasn't enough to stop me, but it sure was foreboding!) My friend Erik who I live with in Phoenix wants to do some small tours, like up to Prescott and lakes to the north of Phx. I will learn then perhaps where I shorted or overextended myself.

Til then, probably a month from now, I will keep the blog alive with pictures...


Sometimes Y said...

Rats! I had a simular experience and just decided to let the trip go, let my body heal. Three years later I've ridden from SF -> SD twice, spent entire weeks doing back-to-back 75 miles rides day-after-day, and now I'm hoping to ride from Seattle to SF. Hang in there Val! You Can Do It!

Dana Robyn said...

Knees or no knees....you will prevail!!! Keep the dream alive!!!

In the meantime, enjoy some chowder in a bread bowl.

Unknown said...

i'm just glad you are alright... enjoy the city